Mumpa Memorial Museum

Arunachal Pradesh, India - 791120

Type: Museums
98627 49308
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In the verdant heart of Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, lies the Mumpa Memorial Museum, a treasure trove whispering tales of tribal heritage and artistic brilliance. Imagine intricate wood carvings dancing in the sunlight, each stroke echoing the rhythmic chants of ancient ancestors. Picture vibrant tapestries woven with threads of cultural memory, their vivid colors portraying epics of war and courtship. Welcome to this sanctuary of tribal wisdom, where the spirit of Adi, Galo, and Apatani cultures comes alive.

Here, artifacts hold whispers of forgotten traditions, from ceremonial headdresses adorned with feathers to headhunting swords glinting in the dim light. Witness the meticulous craftsmanship of bamboo baskets, carrying stories of daily life and ancestral rituals. Let the melodies of traditional instruments, echoing through the museum halls, transport you to vibrant festivals where drumbeats thrum and dancers swirl in vibrant attire.

Mumpa Memorial Museum isn't just a collection of objects; it's a living bridge between generations, keeping the rich tapestry of Arunachal Pradesh vibrant and alive. As you delve deeper, you'll find yourself immersed in the magic of storytelling, where myths and legends dance on painted walls and the very air vibrates with the echoes of a vanished past. So, come, lose yourself in the enchanting embrace of this cultural sanctuary, and discover the heart and soul of Arunachal Pradesh beating within its walls.

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Opening Hours Monday to Friday: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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