Alphonsa Museum

Bharananganam, KL - 686578
Type: Natural History Museums
04822 236 264
  • Shine Varghese
    Shine Varghese
  • Jijo Cheriyan
    Jijo Cheriyan
  • Thomas Eanthanakunnel
    Thomas Eanthanakunnel

Alphonsa Museum is located in Bharananganam, KL - 686578. This is the only natural history museum listed in Bharananganam. You will find the exact location of Alphonsa Museum on the map above. If you need any other information on Alphonsa Museum that is not listed here, please call 04822 236 264.

Visitors' Reviews

  (Rated by 5 Visitors)
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None of our visitors shared their reviews on Alphonsa Museum yet. However, we have collected 5 ratings from external sources on this natural history museum.

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