Landmarks in Jaipur, RJ
There are 9 landmarks found in Jaipur, RJ. This is 13% of all the tourist places listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Jaipur attractions on this page to choose from.
Jaipur Map with Landmarks
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List of Jaipur Landmarks
Following is the list of all landmarks found in Jaipur. The landmarks are sorted by their popularity, which is calculated based on the visitors, user ratings and couple of other factors. You may sort them alphabetiacally by their names using the sort options bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific landmarks from the list.
10300.0Devisinghpura, Jaipur, RJ - 302001
9400.0Gangori Bazaar, Jaipur, RJ - 302002
8900.0Hawa Mahal Road, Jaipur, RJ - 302002
8400.0Gangori Bazaar, Jaipur, RJ - 302002
8050.0Devisinghpura, Jaipur, RJ - 302028
7000.0Amer Road, Jaipur, RJ - 302002
740.0Krishna Nagar, Jaipur, RJ - 302001
90.0Trimurty Circle, Jaipur, RJ - 302004
40.0Hawa Mahal Road, Jaipur, RJ - 302002
Other Landmarks
The following landmarks are found outside Jaipur. They are sorted from nearest to farthest distance from Jaipur.
73.8 KilometersState Highway 29A, Rundh Kankwari, RJ - 301410
119.5 KilometersSawai Madhopur, RJ - 322001
125.1 KilometersShaheed Smarak, Ajmer, RJ - 305001
125.8 Kilometers111 Dargah Sharif, Ajmer, RJ - 305001
125.8 KilometersNala Bazaar, Ajmer, RJ - 305001
164.1 KilometersDeeg Palace, Deeg, RJ - 321203
186.9 KilometersBuland Gate, Fatehpur Sikri, UP - 283110
186.9 KilometersDadupura, Fatehpur Sikri, UP - 283110
187.5 KilometersNational Highway 11, Fatehpur Sikri, UP - 283110
197.8 KilometersJanam bhoomi Marg, Mathura, UP - 281001
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- Amusement Parks (6)
- Museums (40)
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- Zoos (1)
- All Attractions (69)
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